Hey, I’m Kristy!
Here’s a little about me:
I believe a good cup of tea can fix pretty much anything
I’m still patiently waiting for my Hogwarts letter to come in the mail
Reality shows are my guilty pleasure… I can’t help but love The Bachelor/ Bachelorette & Paradise!
I love live music! If there is a good concert coming to town you can bet I’ll be there!
I believe the key to life is flexibility - You can thank my mom for that one (she’s always right)
I didn’t know what a burrito was until I started dating my husband… in 2015
I have been known to go recreational cliff jumping, but I would love to go up in a hot air balloon one day
I have way too many coffee mugs in the cabinet but I will go out of the way to only use the glass ones
Oh, wait there’s more!
I love driving! In the summer my Hubby and I like to take the good truck out and picnic by the water
Fridays nights are for binge-watching Netflix
I am terrified of spiders!
Ketchup goes with pretty much everything :)